On Tue, 2003-01-07 at 23:26, Dean S. Messing wrote:
> No it is getting created during the build.  I discovered, also,
> that after the build bomb-out one finds in
> /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-root/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i586-mandrake-linux-gnu/3.2.1/include/
> a `root/' directory in which there is both a usr/ subdir and an etc/
> subdir.

This is normal.  This is the buildroot directory.  It's where RPM gets
the files to put into the package.

> The lines I suspected of creating the alternative stuff
> were:
> %if %{build_java}
> %post -n libgcj%{libjava_major}-devel
> update-alternatives --install %{_includedir}/libgcj libgcj 
>%{_includedir}/libgcj-%{version} %{gcj_alternative_priority}
> %endif

These lines are executed at install-time, not compile time.

> Didn't try, but I seriously doublt it because the .spec file
> contains the explicit `ln -s' commands that cause the failure.

ln -s is not causing the failure.  The failure is caused by said
symbolic link already existing.  Which is why Todd and I both had the
initial question: are you 100% sure your buildroot was empty?

> I did discover two differences between the system on which it
> builds and the one on which it does not.
> The working system had a stock Mdk 9.0 installation of gcc-3.2-1mdk.i586.rpm.
> The non-working system had a re-build of the cooker gcc-3.2 from
> around Nov 25th. built for an athlon-mp. (This was necessary to
> get MPlayer to compile).

Again leads me to believe that the symlink was leftover from that build.

> I did "solve" the problem by deleting the link and root/etc/ directories
> deep down in the /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/gcc-3.2.1 (again, sorry
> for not remembering exactly where)

You mean /var/tmp/gcc-3.2.1-buildroot/etc.  

> So when I find bugs is it OK to report them here as I did?

Yes.  Although this wasn't technically a 'bug'.

> Shall I assume they will get seen even if there's no ack?

They will get seen.  But it's always possible that nobody will have time
to work on it.

> If someone instructs me on what, exactly, to do to trace this
> I'll do it.  Problem is that now that I have installed the
> latest gcc the bug may vanish, if it had anything to do
> with the above machine differences.

Do this:
# rm -fr /var/tmp/*root
# rm -fr /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/*
# rm -fr /usr/src/RPM/tmp/*
before you try to build anything, and you won't have any problems like

Best of luck,

                        Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
             Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
           Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
             MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
                     homepage: www.groundstate.ca

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