On Wed, 2003-01-08 at 14:44, Dean S. Messing wrote:
>  :: > %if %{build_java}
>  :: > %post -n libgcj%{libjava_major}-devel
>  :: > update-alternatives --install %{_includedir}/libgcj libgcj 
>%{_includedir}/libgcj-%{version} %{gcj_alternative_priority}
>  :: > %endif
>  :: 
>  :: These lines are executed at install-time, not compile time.
> I know. I probably was sloppy in my terminolgy if I said "compile" when
> I should have said "build".  I do realise the problem is occuring
> during "installation" into the buildroot.  That's how come I was
> able to "fix" it.

The %post macro is executed *only* when you install the actual
i586.rpm.  It is not involved in the build process at all.

> I know how to make sure there are no leftovers.  And there are none.
> Each build is clean.  I have even deleted the the unpacked sources and
> the spec file and done rpm -i on the .src.rpm a couple of times
> "just in case".

Then I was wrong, it's not leftover files causing the problem.

However, considering that nobody else has this problem, and considering
that it CAN'T have anything to do with the fact that it's a dual athlon,
I can only conclude that you have a non-standard system, and the error
is due to having a mix of 9.0 and cooker rpms on the same system.


                        Austin Acton Hon.B.Sc.
             Synthetic Organic Chemist, Teaching Assistant
           Department of Chemistry, York University, Toronto
             MandrakeClub Volunteer (www.mandrakeclub.com)
                     homepage: www.groundstate.ca

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