On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Luca Olivetti wrote:

> > For example /dev/mixer should always belong to root:audio with perms
> > crw-rw----, and a user should be in the group audio.
> > So even ater login, the /dev entry has not been changed, but only the
> > users of the group audio could access /dev/mixer.
> > And when a user is created, it should automatically belong to a series
> > of standard groups like audio, etc.
> Remember, Linux is a multiuser and networked system.

And with linux NFS only allowing 15 groups, I don't want to waste any
unnecessary (audio, cdwriter, video,usb) groups on stuff that is of no
relevevance on the rest of the network (as opposed to adm, wheel, etc).

Does NFSv4 in 2.5 support more than 15 NFS groups? I'm already bumping my
head against this, I am in abuot 20 groups, and some of the last 5 are
used on NFS ... so files owned by those groups are inacessible to me via


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