On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Felix Miata wrote:

> The system I most often boot to Mandrake has no sound card, and takes
> more like a minute to complete a login if not root. There's no excuse
> for such behavior to have survived the 9.0 beta process, much less
> continue in 9.1. 7.1 has no such problem on the same machine.

Would you rather a newbie has to figure out the 17 groups he needs to be a
member of to use his hardware?

Would you rather default to having each user on a network being a member
of 5 additional groups (1/3 of the available NFS groups per user). (the
other alternative is to no allow users on a network access to the hardware
on their own machine, or leave it insecure).

Really, even n my machine that doesn't handle 700MB ISOs, login takes no
more than a few seconds. Of course, you can disable pam_console for
console logins, and tell us how you like it ...

Remember in 7.1 etc you needed to be a member of the audio group to even
run xmms? You had to be in group cdwriter to write a CD, in group tty to
use a serial port, and group usb to access you Visor or scanner. This is
where Gentoo is atm ....


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