From: "John Danielson, II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Any system that has EVER had a file system with Windows or DOS on it has
>>following part structure.
>>Part #s 1-4 can be primary.
>>Part #5 is always an extended part table to hold logical drives.
>>Parts 6 and up can be logicals.
| And Windows allows for 4 primaries, not 3. So a mixed system or a
| migrators system will have a mess.

You have missread the partition tables, or how it works...

Windows/dos (or actually te partitioning scheme) does allow
for 4 primaries, BUT the extended partition counts as one primary.

You dont belive me? If so, it's easy to test ...
1. Create 4 primary partitions. (make sure you leave some emty space
    on the disk, for example 4  x 1GB partitions on a 10 GB disk leaves
    you with 6 GB of free space on the disk...)

2. Now try to make a extended partition... IT WON'T WORK

3. Remove one of  the primary partitions. Now you can create an
    extended partition that uses tthe free space on the disk,
    that also allows you to make logical partitions...


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