On Mon, 2003-01-20 at 20:26, Steffen Barszus wrote:

> > Most of the people who are using Mandrake (and _not_ most of us) use
> > Konqueror or Nautilus for their file browsing.  Those are the ones that
> > (I guess) need to be accomodated.
> I guess here you are wrong, if I did not get you false. Exactly this person 
> have votedt for mc haven't they ? Further the most noob people are helpless 
> if X crashes and there is no MC. Further a lot of win user that have used nc 
> in good ol' times are very familar and happy with it. mc is a must. point. 
> finito. 

Very good points. I have to agree that command line tools should be
accommodated within the main distro, for exactly the reason you specify;
sometimes, stuff goes wrong, and you need to be able to do everything
from the command line. (For this reason it'd be nice to have a more
noob-friendly text editor, like nano, in the default install, since the
best time for a noob to try and learn emacs or vim is *not* when they're
stuck at the console with a non-working X). Second, it smells
suspiciously like the Windows route of deprecating everything that
doesn't run in the GUI, which I don't think is a good way to go. People
should be encouraged to use the command line, not discouraged from it.

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