On Tue, 2003-01-21 at 20:57, Sander Jonkers aka Surfer wrote:

> > > I use my 400Mhz/128MB laptop with GNOME, but maybe I'm just a masochist
> > 
> > My PII/300MHz/128MB laptop runs GNOME just fine.  As long as I don't
> Wow, 128 MB?! That must twice as capable as my machine. ;-(
> > open Mozilla or OpenOffice, it's not that bad.  I find the slowest part
> > of the system is the hard drive anyway.  Besides, when I used blackbox,
> My hard drive must be slow also: as soon as swap (on the hard drive) is
> needed, the slow down is enormours.

Most all notebook hard drives are very slow in comparison to desktops.
The reason is simple; to make a hard disk faster the easiest method is
just to make it spin quicker, but this has two big problems for a
notebook - it consumes more power and generates more heat. Thus, almost
all notebook hard disks spin at 4,200RPM, in comparison to desktop
drives which normally spin at 5,400RPM or these days mostly at 7,200RPM.
There's a couple of laptop 5,400RPM models, but these are found mostly
in big clunky Dell laptops, they eat battery power and burn your lap...

> > Mozilla and OpenOffice didn't open any faster anyway.
> I run IceWM, knode and evolution locally. Running Galeon on top of that
> is horribly slow, so I do a 'ssh' to my BigMachine upstairs (0.75Ghz,
> 0.75GB RAM) and run Galeon from there.

Yikes, Evolution?! Evolution EATS RAM, I'd never use it on a 64MB
machine. Can't you use something less voracious, like Sylpheed I guess?
You could probably try Opera for a web browser...it's non-free of course
but I hear it uses less memory than 'Zilla-based browsers.

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