On Saturday January 25 2003 05:58 pm, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> Thanks for the hddtemp contribs Ben/Vincent, this one was really
> cool!
> hddtemp /dev/hd[aceg]
> /dev/hda: ST340810A: 41°C
> /dev/hdc: ST340810A: 41°C
> /dev/hde: ST340810A: 25°C
> /dev/hdg: ST340810A: 27°C
> hde and hdg (md0) has 2x80mm fans blowing on them, damn nice ;)

> Here's my WS at home:
> hddtemp /dev/hda
> /dev/hda: IC35L060AVER07-0: 56°C
> (It's an AMD machine, would't you have guessed?)

   It is cool, well hddtemp is anyhow ;)

/dev/hda: Maxtor 6Y080L0: 61°C
 tom# hddtemp /dev/hdb
/dev/hdb: MAXTOR 6L040J2: 39°C

   (also an AMD machine ;)

   Now the questions, what temp is 'normal' for HDD's ?
   What's too high?
   Ya reckon hda is hotter cause it's runnin cooker ?   ;>
    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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