On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 13:03, Lea Gris wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Lonnie Borntreger a écrit:
> | On Sun, 2003-01-26 at 12:14, Oden Eriksson wrote:
> |
> |>söndagen den 26 januari 2003 17.19 skrev Lonnie Borntreger:
> |>
> |>>Running Cooker on a dual AMD:
> |>>-> hddtemp /dev/hd[ab]
> |>>/dev/hda: MAXTOR 4K060H3: 17 C
> |>>/dev/hdb: MAXTOR 4K080H4: 16 C
> |>
> |>Huh?
> |>
> |>A Kryotech chassie? Or do you have it outdoors? ;)
> |
> |
> | An Antec 1040 case with P/S fan, two case fans and a case fan mounted in
> | the hard drive cage that blows air over/under/between the drives.
> | That's all.
> 16°C would mean your room temperature is equal or below that.
> Air cooling cant lower temperature below the air temperature.
> Usualy people consider a room under 18°C juste enough confortable to
> work actively and prefer a room at 20°C or 22°C to have a seated work
> (computing)

Hadn't actually thought about it... since I'm more familiar with
Fahrenheit.  I'm in my basement, the air temp is 68-70 F, or 20-21 C,
the computer is sitting directly on my concrete floor.  So, either the
drives are reporting inaccurately, hddtemp is inaccurate, or the air
down by the concrete floor is causing the lower temp.  It is cooler
there, but I highly doubt that it is 10 F less.

Lonnie Borntreger

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