Hello David,

On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, David Walser wrote:

> > can switch resolution to 640x480 using mcc, he should be able to
> > revert back using that same tool?!
> True enough.  The fact is though that they can.  They
> can use a different frontend.

I'm sorry, but you're missing the point entirely. This is very basic HCI
theory: Forgive the user. Let him undo a change easily. See for instance:


In this case it means that when a user performs operations X, Y and Z to
change his screen resolution, he can reasonably expect that the same chain
of operations will enable him to change back. In your view, the user is
just out of luck and will have to smell somehow that he has to perform
operations F, G and H to revert his change.

Various suggestions have been done here already to alleviate this problem,
I suggest that one of them is chosen (automatic switch to framebuffer mode
sounds good to me, but I don't know if that's feasible).

> > 2. Requiring different frontends makes things more complicated than
> > needed, thus putting off users on the one hand, and generating support

> No, having more frontends has more machines, more people's needs, and
> more people's tastes and configurations that we can't think of

Look, I'm not suggesting to _remove_ the other ways of configuring things,
but only to make the way that's most likely to be used by most
inexperienced users work WELL. I don't believe that is too much to ask.

> not, is really easy to program.  Adding this neat idea would take a lot
> more work, and probably isn't worth all of the effort right now.

Mandrake has been great in making Linux ready for end users, but to really
get there takes effort. *I* think it is worth the effort, do you? (Before
you suggest that I submit a patch; I do my share in making sure the Dutch
translations of the Mandrake tools are complete and valid).


Reinout van Schouwen                    Artificial Intelligence student
email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 mobile phone: +31-6-44360778
GPG public key http://www.cs.vu.nl/~reinout/reinout.asc

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