On Sat, 1 Feb 2003, Stefan van der Eijk wrote:

> I switched the (non-system) users on my system to ldap only --> removed
> them from the local passwd, group and shadow files. A number of things
> broke:
>     * postfix didn't know the users anymore and started rejecting mail
>       for them :
>     Feb  1 10:49:44 taz postfix/smtpd[26026]: 781749EB3B: reject: RCPT
>     from mia8.macon.nl[]: 450 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: User
>     unknown in local recipient table;
>     from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> proto=ESMTP helo=<mia8.macon.nl>
>     I fixed it by adding these lines to the /etc/postfix/main.cf
>     ===
>     ldap_timeout=10
>     ldap_search_base=dc=eijk,dc=nu
>     ldap_server_host=localhost
>     ldap_server_port=389
>     ldap_query_filter=(mailacceptinggeneralid=%s)
>     ldap_cache=no
>     ===

Do you have attribute 'mailacceptinggeneralid' on your users? I initiall
used openldap-migration, which gave me something like 'mail', so I haven't
actually gotten around to switching our mail server (postfix on 8.0) to
use ldap directly, it picks them up fine off nss_ldap.

>     * local users can't login with X11. I'm only running nss_ldap on the
>       client, not the pam stuff (yet).

You mean users who are not in LDAP?

> Other issues:
>     * mandrake's openldap-servers-2.0.27-4mdk package still borks on my
>       box. I needed to recompile it on my box to get it to work with the
>       ldap database I already had. I've asked Florin if he had actually
>       tested the package --> run an ldap server on it, but didn't get a
>       reply from him (yet). Has anybody been succesful running an ldap
>       server on cooker's openldap-servers-2.0.27-4mdk package?

I am, but I did 'ldapsearch -x -D "$rootdn" -W -h master|su ldap -c
'slapadd' to get the db entries across from the master ldap server ..

>     * the ssh stuff. When I turned off "ssl start_tls" and when back to
>       "ssl off" in /etc/ldap.conf ssh allowed me to login again.

I am getting this now on my cooker box, I still need to test if it affects
machine not using the local ldap, because mine was working when it was
doing referral to the master ldap server, which happened I think due to
the above issue ....

>     * the MySQL problem

I will make a patch for Warly, but the fix was posted a few days back ...
so it works for me now.

Have you taken a look at the ldap wizard?


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