These are some features that kdm had that mdkdm (I think I still have
the packages before it was split, so I might be behind, but blame my
mirror ...) has broken

(FYI, we use:
[bgmilne@bgmilne bgmilne]$ cat /etc/security/msec/level.local
[bgmilne@bgmilne bgmilne]$

So, I only have a username/password dialog with WM selector and 3
buttons at the bottom.

1)Quick login procedure, similar to windows
I normally login like this
-enter username
-enter password

At present this asks me which LILO image I want to boot into, rather
than logging me in. On every version of windows, and the previous kdm,
it would have logged me in.

So, it seems I now *have* to use a mouse to be able to login. I wonder
now what happens to a user with no working mouse. Not only can they not
configure the mouse when they are logged in, but they can't even log in ....

2)Lack of keyboard shortcuts
kdm had [ALT]-S;[ENTER] which would shut down the machine with no mouse
input. Win2k/winxp/winnt have similar shortcuts (after hitting
CTRL-ALT-DEL of course).

Feature request:
3)On Windows, using the [TAB] key by default selects the password if it
has been entered already, whereas kdm and mdkdm both just end up with
the cursor at the beginning of the password field. IMHO, entire password
field should be selected.

Do I need to file these as bugs to get attention for them???? This
hasn't helped with:

Both of these bugs are still present, and in fact present in the club
RPMs for 9.0. IMHO these are serious usability issues, and regressions
from 9.0/KDE3.0.x

(BTW, on my 9.0/KDE3.1 box this morning, the icon view would crash
konqueror, so it is now actually impossible for me to select multiple
files with konqueror. This together with the fact that kdesktop doesn't
start means KDE3.1 is actually totally unusable for me ... I will
probably revert to KDE3.0.x on 9.0).

IMHO, time spent on mdkdm would be better spent on fixing the glaring
bugs in KDE3.1 final first ...


|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
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