Laurent Montel wrote:
> Le Tuesday 04 February 2003 10:09, Buchan Milne a écrit :
>>1)Quick login procedure, similar to windows
>>I normally login like this
>>-enter username
>>-enter password
> No it works update your package

Cool, thanks, will wait for my mirror to catch up.

>>2)Lack of keyboard shortcuts
>>kdm had [ALT]-S;[ENTER] which would shut down the machine with no mouse
>>input. Win2k/winxp/winnt have similar shortcuts (after hitting
>>CTRL-ALT-DEL of course).
> I will fix it.


>>Feature request:
>>3)On Windows, using the [TAB] key by default selects the password if it
>>has been entered already, whereas kdm and mdkdm both just end up with
>>the cursor at the beginning of the password field. IMHO, entire password
>>field should be selected.
>>Do I need to file these as bugs to get attention for them???? This
>>hasn't helped with:
> I can't fix all kde bug do you create a bug in ?

No, but someone else did:
(this bug mentions kio_smb, but applies to kio_fish too)

And while we're there, this one would really make Mandrake stand out
(against Xandros which apparently has a decent implementation):

But, since I don't have time to compile KDE from source, or run KDE on a
different distro, it's pretty difficult to know if it's a kde bug or a
Mandrake bug. With Mozilla and OO.o this is easier. Anyway, I thought
the maintainer should follow up bugs ...

I don't currently have a account anyway ...

>>IMHO, time spent on mdkdm would be better spent on fixing the glaring
>>bugs in KDE3.1 final first ...
> mdkkdm is a mdk project so it's a mandrake project so I must fix it, and it's 
> not a lose time.

Sure, but surely KDE should probbaly also be considered a mandrake
project ... and probably more important than tweaks to a dm IMHO (I see
the dm for 10 seconds a day, but am forced to mess with konqueror's bugs
all day).


|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering
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