On Wednesday February 5 2003 03:01 am, Pascal Cavy wrote:
> >    Don't bother Laurent. After my last post, I used urmpi to get
> > kdelibs* -8mdk again.  This time I logged in/out of kde several
> > times. The problem went away.  So it was just somethin strange,
> > and unique to my system.  Anyhow, the gremlins have left ... and
> > I knew better than to bring up a just a few hours old problem in
> > the first place ;)
> not so strange, I had it too on my home box. but I did not complain
> because I know new libs ==> log out / log in to be sure they are
> used.

    I do also. MOF, I'm sure I did cause I'm usin the new mdkkdm and 
it was part of the updates. I wanted to take a look at it.  I also 
run 'upall' (alias upall='rpm --rebuilddb && updatedb && update-menus 
-n && ldconfig') after major/many updates, specially libs. For some 
strange reason (gremlin :), kdelibs needed several (3) login/outs, 
then the problem disappeared.

    My biggest error was my prematurely reporting the problem. Mea 
culpa. Sorry to start such a fuss.  BTW, I sort'a like mdkkdm, .... 
but then I tend to like anything new'n different ;)

    Tom Brinkman                  Corpus Christi, Texas

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