Le Mardi 4 Février 2003 22:30, Tom Brinkman a écrit :
> On Tuesday February 4 2003 02:28 pm, Laurent Montel wrote:
> > >     As I've previously posted (^^^), the problem started with
> > > kdelibs -7mdk, and continues with -8mdk
> >
> > What ?
> > it's very strnage I rebuild kdebase with kdelibs ....
> > Ok I will look at it tomorrow.
> >
> > Regards.
>    Don't bother Laurent. After my last post, I used urmpi to get
> kdelibs* -8mdk again.  This time I logged in/out of kde several
> times. The problem went away.  So it was just somethin strange, and
> unique to my system.  Anyhow, the gremlins have left ... and I knew
> better than to bring up a just a few hours old problem in the first
> place ;)

not so strange, I had it too on my home box. but I did not complain because I 
know new libs ==> log out / log in to be sure they are used.

>    Let me take this opportunity to thank you for all your ongoing
> efforts and attention, specially kde.

Pascal Cavy - VMF
Running 5 days, 16:04,  4 users,  load average: 0.86, 1.13, 0.75
(gcc version 3.2.1 (Mandrake Linux 9.1 3.2.1-4mdk))
Kernel Linux version 2.4.21pre4-1mdkenterprise

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