On Wed, 2003-02-12 at 09:01, Jean-Michel Dault wrote:

> Running Evolution 1.0.8 here, many mailing lists, all split into about
> 200 subfolders. Even then some folders, like php-bugs, have over 30,000
> messages. I have *lots* of filters, and I get only 1 or 2 unfiltered
> SPAM per day.

1.2.x will greatly improve the speed of POP3 downloading, better IMAP
handling, and it even *greatly* reduced the amount of disk space (the
indexes weren't being cleaned up before). 

I highly recommend an upgrade :) 

The only thing that sux0rs is getting used to the new key bindings: . or
] for next unread, , or [ for previous unread, rather than n and p which
I am used to. Oh, an hide/show message pane moved from q to `. I guess
you get used to it after a week or two.


Steve Fox

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