On do, 2003-02-13 at 11:41, rcc wrote:
> On 13 Feb 2003 11:24:56 +0100
> Frederik Himpe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm trying to install Cooker on a Compaq EVO n1020v laptop using
> > network.img. The network card is recognised, but it works awfully slow
> > (it lasts more than half an hour to download the 13 MB
> > mdkinst_stage2.bz2, while it should achieve around 400 KB/s).
> This may be unrelated but on my laptop (not a Compaq) download of
> stage2 with network install is terribly slow when the Auto-Doze feature
> is enabled in bios (CPU/16, timeout 8 sec). I only found it because I
> pushed a key on the keyboard which made the progress bar jump. Turning
> Doze off for install and it works pretty neat.

Seems a good idea, but I have no such an option in the Bios. Pressing
all those special keys on the keyboard does not make a difference

Frederik Himpe

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