Michael Scherer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have take a look at the groups classification of some package with rpmdrake, 
> and I have seen there is a big lack of consistency.
> To give a simple example :
> Should wmnetload be in the GraphicalDesktop/WindowMaker group, or in the 
> Monitoring group ?
> This is a wm applet who monitor the network.
> It is in GraphicalDesktop/WindowMaker
> But, another applet wmmemmon, who deal with memory used and so on, is in 
> Monitoring.
> People searching a monitoring app would expect to found them in Monitoring, 
> but, people searching cool applets for WM ( and fluxbox, btw ) would expect 
> to find them in GraphicalDesktop/WindowMaker ( or in GraphicalDesktop / 
> Fluxbox, who doesn't exist, even if there is more apps for fluxbox than for 
> icewm ).
> So, they may belong to the two, but there is no way to do this in RPM, AFAIK.

Yes this is a known issue. 

We have in rpmdrake a different group structure where package could appear
in several group, which is more logical.

Regarding you specific example, I think the very first function of the program
should be the determining criteria, and not the first limitation (it works only
in windowmaker)

As a consequence, wmnetload should be in monitoring. Lenny, remember this for
the next time you rebuilt it.

> And, another thing, some part of the list are unusable because some package 
> take all the place.
> To give a example, webalizer and all his localization.
> The localization should be seen as subpackage of webalizer, no ?
> This applies too to vlc plugin, xmms plugin, etc .
> What do you think ?

We may want to create a special i18n group where all the translation packages
are located, yes. Others ?


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