Hi there,

been trying to get XFree86-4.3 to compile from src.rpm for a pretty clean Mandrake 9.0 install (also tried XFree86- - same problem). I've upgraded the freetype2 packages from src.rpm, as well as autoconf and autoconf2.5.

The compile goes fine (rpm -ba --target athlon XFree86.spec), but at the very end I get the following message:

RPM build errors:
File not found: /var/tmp/XFree86-root/usr/X11R6/bin/xftcache

Very annoying because that directory is reinitialised each build, so manually copying the file (which I have in /usr/X11/bin) is futile. I'd like to find the true source of this so I can get this done. I recompiled XFree86 five times yesterday, and even if I use --short-circuit -bc I'm still going to wait quite a bit before I know if the bug is fixed.

Thankyou very very much for your time and ... your solution!

Best regards,
Paul Dorman.

PS Just in case you are curious, the reason I am doing this is because I have applied the patches required for multi-head, multi-xdm, multi-keyboard, multi-mice XFree86. Info can be found at:



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