Le Samedi 22 Février 2003 13:04, Murray J. Root a écrit :
> > > Everybody, please give up insisting on this point. The KDE dependency
> > > has been argued here for many times in cooker. People come and go,
> > > argueing over and over on this topic, without achieving anything. If
> > > the time is spent on doing other things, cooker could have become a
> > > little better. So please spend your energy on something you CAN do, and
> > > kill this thread. Is it OK for everybody?
> >
> > No, I don't have the room for kdebase. It's too much wasted space.
> You're beating a dead horse. These people have no clue what "requires"
> means and apply it to whatever whim they have the day they make a package.
> Let it drop - you can't win against people who won't read your messages.
Is it possible to have a discussion about KDE without people insulting or 
ignoring each others ? So far what has been achieved is a totally absurd 
situation where cooker community complains endlessly, while Mdk KDE team 
prefers to work underground with meaningless changelog to avoid answering any 
questions... Where is collaborative work there ?

For KDE team defense, i'd like to remember than complaining is easy, while 
fixing is much harder. And sofar, i've not seen much patches submitted to 
them, far less patches rejected. My libqt3 spec patch for instance has been 
accepted without discussion. So complaining people, please provide patches. 
And if they ever get refused, there is still place in PLF for alternative KDE 
If such a program has not crashed yet, it is waiting for a critical moment 
before it crashes. 
        -- Murphy's Computer Laws n°6

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