On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 11:53:58PM -0800, Quel Qun wrote:
> k. I apologize in advance, the following is only political debate. It
> was working, then broken by Mandrake. I don't suppose they did it
> without knowing. I can propose whatever fix I want, they will never even
> acknowledge the problem. The fix is very simple, they just don't give a
> screw. 
> When I proposed a patch correcting a BuildReq for kdevelop, it took me 3
> or 4 emails (never answered), 3 bug confirmations and two corrections
> (never answered either) to eventually have it applied after 2 months (I
> am not even sure this is because of my input since I had to close the
> bug myself). Something like 'Sorry I forgot', 'Yes we saw the problem'
> is beyond their ability. All the other packagers try to keep us up to
> date and acknowledge our input, are we so dumb that everything we say
> about kde is rubbish?
> They never answer any question and completely ignore the comments and
> suggestions. Then they complain because we don't understand what they
> are trying to do. Is it really whining when someone forces me to install
> what I estimate to  be 30MB of code I will never use. Wouldn't it be
> worth at least a little debate? What's the point of having cooker if
> when I try to state my problem, I receive for answer 'It works for me,
> have a good WE'?
> Sure I can start ignoring the deps, but I never had to do so in the past
> and I am not surprised that it starts with KDE. I came to linux because
> it was modular and organized. What we have here is total contempt for
> these concepts (just like blah, blah).
> There's no point in arguing and I don't want to beat any horse, even
> dead, but I am really disappointed by this unfair attitude; most of all
> that it does not change. Sorry again,

I hope both you and Murray realize that my comments were mostly in
regard to the people who are constantly bellyaching about KDE not being
split up more...  They were no indicative of my belief that the require
you're talking about is necessary or not.  From what I understand it's a
dumb require...


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