On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 20:23:02 +0100, Danny Tholen wrote:

> Hope this makes you feel slightly better:
> On Thursday 20 February 2003 09:30, Frederic Crozat wrote:
>> And I'm almost sure this problem is not the same as the previous one,
>> since Xrender doesn't care AT ALL of encoding..
> have to admit I didn't check on the previous bug. But i think freetype2 does 
> care about encoding? It is just no Xrender bug.

Maybe.. I haven't enough time to investigate now..

>> A vote will NEVER convince me to add something which can break rendering,
>> so don't lose your time on that.. People can vote whatever they want, if
>> it means adding instability to part I maintain, I won't follow their
>> votes.. Just because something is pretty don't mean it should be in..
> Well..that is sensible. But it also depends a lot on what exactly is changed 
> in a new freetype2. If it is bugfixes, it is perhaps safe to do.
>> Is it so hard to understand we can't just add any patches (or new
>> features) which have not YET been released as stable, just because it
>> MIGHT enhanced rendering for some people and BREAK rendering for other ??
> Hmm...AFAIK these patches have been around for a while, and it was discussed 
> here as well, a long time ago. Everybody agreed that it looked good and 
> seemed stable IIRC. 
> However, I cannot remember if you gave a reason for not incorporating it back 
> then.

No, everybody "on cooker" != everybody who will either download/buy the

Please, understand we can't just add new features which might broke just
because they are fancy.. 

I did add freetype2 support in mozilla for Mdk 9.0 and it was a HUGE
mistake because some people got broken rendering and I never understood
why exactly..

Freetype2 is a real "sensitive" package, because it is now used to all
major toolkits to do font rendering.. This is I now have a very
conservative approach regarding this package..

>> I'm tired to have to justify myself EACH time !!
> Don't, and sorry if it came on a bad moment.
> However, sometimes I see that you have to make a lot of noise to attract some 
> attention. That is certainly not true for all maintainers of main, but for 
> some. If you do not shout hard enough you are certain to be ignored. This is 
> a drawback of the current system. So, my guess is: more justifiying to come 
> for you:(

I already justified myself on this exact subject two or three months ago..
This is why I reacted so bad..

> It comes with the job it seems, but I do not blame you for not liking it.
> Actually, you are being relatively spared here on cooker-ml. 

How so ? I only respond to GNOME/XFT/Freetype/<add any other packages I
maintain> messages.. I don't have time to read ALL cooker messages.. And
I've been unable to work on anything but galaxy GTK theme for 3 weeks.. 

Again, sorry if my message tone was a little "enflamed" but you must
understand all MandrakeSoft staff is currently under a lot of pressure,
due to 9.1 release and other problems with the company that everybody already

Frederic Crozat

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