söndagen den 23 februari 2003 08.07 skrev Jean-Michel Dault:
> Le sam 22/02/2003 ā 15:35, Oden Eriksson a écrit :
> > Cannot load /etc/httpd/2.0/extramodules/mod_auth_mysql.so into server:
> - Fixed

Interesting!, will check.

... AHA!, cool!

> > Cannot load /etc/httpd/2.0/extramodules/mod_auto_shadow.so into server:
> > /etc/httpd/2.0/extramodules/mod_auto_shadow.so: cannot open shared object
> > file: No such file or directory
> - Fixed

Yes I saw this yesterday, there was not one, buy two typos in the config, DUH! 
You fixed it, thanks.

> > module limit was reached. Please increase DYNAMIC_MODULE_LIMIT and
> > recompile. Ha ha ha ha !!!, this was funny! (very cool!)
> - Fixed =)

Cool, I raised it to 128 and tried again, it worked.

> > [Sat Feb 22 20:20:14 2003] [error] - TRACE : dbms_opendb
> - This is normal (debug message, not error)

Yes I realized that too yesterday. I will contact the authors to have them 
wrap this within the DEBUG ifdefs.

> > [Sat Feb 22 20:21:17 2003] [notice] child pid 785 exit signal
> > Segmentation fault (11)
> - This was caused by mod_fortress, the module is badly broken and
> segfaults. I disabled the LoadModule in the config file, this is
> temporary until we find the problem.

I worked several hours yesterday to find this. mod_fortress works allright, 
but not with _some_, or _all_ of the other 3rd party modules. I have not yet 
pinpointed which combo doesn't work. I sent a mail to the author last night 
about this.

> BTW:
> [Sun Feb 23 02:33:49 2003] [notice] Apache-AdvancedExtranetServer/2.0.44
> (Mandrake Linux/6mdk) mod_perl/1.99_08 Perl/v5.8.0 auth_external/2.2.1
> mod_auth_kerb/4.13 auth_mysql/1.11 mod_auth_pgsql/2.0.0
> auth_radius/1.7PR1 mod_layout/4.0.1a mod_python/3.0.1 Python/2.2.2
> mod_random/2.0 mod_roaming/2.0.0 mod_rpaf/0.4 mod_ruby/1.0.2 Ruby/1.6.8
> mod_vdbh/1.0.2 mod_smbauth/1.4.3 mod_injection/0.3.0 mod_websh/3.5.0
> mod_xslt/1.0.5a mod_protection/0.0.2 mod_tcl/1.0 AuthentiCache/2.0.6
> mod_loopback/2.0 mod_sleep/2.1 mod_macro/1.1.4 mod_ssl/2.0.44
> OpenSSL/0.9.7a DAV/2 SVN/0.17.1 PHP/4.3.1 mod_bwshare/0.1.2
> mod_variety/0.1.0 Catacomb/0.8.0 mod_mya/3.0.1 mod_auth_remote/1.0
> configured -- resuming normal operations
> WOOHOO!!! ;-)

Yes it's pretty incredible.

> I have 90 DSOs loaded into my Apache. There are a lot of them (all the
> core modules, plus some extra ones) that don't show up in the Server
> Signature though.

Yes, I chose to not show some of them like spam_die, etc. for obvious 

> The only one that's not working is mod_fortress, otherwise this would be
> 91 modules ;-)

He he he, checking the changelog messages, cool! I fixed all this last night 
(except auth_mysql) on a clean ML9.0, but then I had to get some sleep.

I guess the 10 seconds delay with mod_sleep strucked you, he he he, I thought 
that was funny (and very annoying:)), otherwise I would had put 1 second in 

Thank you very much Jean-Michel for all your help!.

Regards // Oden Eriksson, Deserve-IT.com

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