Le dim 23/02/2003 à 05:21, Oden Eriksson a écrit :
> > > module limit was reached. Please increase DYNAMIC_MODULE_LIMIT and
> > > recompile. Ha ha ha ha !!!, this was funny! (very cool!)
> > - Fixed =)
> Cool, I raised it to 128 and tried again, it worked.

128 is a bit high, it mallocs memory for each module, so the lower the
better. I put 96, since we have *only*  ;-) 91 modules 

> > > [Sat Feb 22 20:21:17 2003] [notice] child pid 785 exit signal
> > > Segmentation fault (11)
> > - This was caused by mod_fortress, the module is badly broken and
> > segfaults. I disabled the LoadModule in the config file, this is
> > temporary until we find the problem.
> I worked several hours yesterday to find this. mod_fortress works allright, 
> but not with _some_, or _all_ of the other 3rd party modules. I have not yet 
> pinpointed which combo doesn't work. I sent a mail to the author last night 
> about this.

Even *alone*, it segfaults with http://localhost/server-status.

> I guess the 10 seconds delay with mod_sleep strucked you, he he he, I thought 
> that was funny (and very annoying:)), otherwise I would had put 1 second in 
> there.

Even 1 second is too big, when it does that *by default*.

As a related topic, I had a hosting company question the ADVX
reliability, when the server would give Access Denied error messages
when reloading the page too often. Turned out they installed
mod_dosevasive without knowing what it was exactly, and that it was not
a bug, it was a feature ;-) 

Little things like this we have to check. 

But we make a great team you and me:
- you push Apache to the max by adding new features all the time
- I try to the max to break the configuration, squash all bugs, and make
it more stable 

What's remaining is to build a strong community around our project, and
achieve world domination.. and fast ;-)


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