On Sun, 2003-02-23 at 02:56, Buchan Milne wrote:
> On 23 Feb 2003, James Sparenberg wrote:
> >    In many ways I would agree with you except for one.  Many people use
> > Linux for web serving and windblows for web surfing.  IEx.x does a
> > really poor job of displaying transparent png's and the default reaction
> > of most people when they see it is. "Linux is broken."
> >
> Tough, when they see the page in IE6 (which is not too bad with PNGs) or
> Mozilla, they will realise which software really is broken.
> No point avoiding the use of well-supported features just because 1
> browser does not support it (IMHO).
> This is where it becomes interesting to have a windows companion CD for
> Mandrake with mozilla etc on (at least to help the people using apache
> internally etc).
> Buchan

But it still comes down to perceptions and attitude.  For most people
the majority so to speak rules.  In this case IE is the majority.  No
matter how broken it is ... for most.... what they do is never wrong. 
If all it took was obviously bad quality the M$ wouldn't be the world
leader in OS's and browsers.  One must pick their fights and pick them
well.  It would be best to pick ones we can win.  It's like one of my
bosses.  He sent out an office .doc file that no one else could read
except one other person with orfice XP.  The problem, (as he saw it.) we
are running inferior software.  Not that he chose the wrong format to
save the doc in. (note that even XP personal couldn't read it only
"professional)  We are dealing with a human failing here.  Superior
software/hardware won't necessarily win.  If it would then we'd all be
using Amiga.


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