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Austin Acton wrote:
> On Fri, 2003-02-28 at 10:50, Buchan Milne wrote:
> It's the same, except in the capabilities version, there is an extra
> script, jackstart, which has to be suid root.  I think it's pretty
> harmless without the capabilities kernel, but I'm not an expert.  WITH
> the capabilities kernel, it is decidedly unsafe.

How about just jackstart in contrib, requiring jackit and (assuming we
can get the multimedia kernel in) kernel-multimedia?

>>How about building it parallel, so that a build of the srpm builds it
>>once without capabilities, once with, and have the two packages obsolete
>>each other etc so that you can swap between them with:
>># urpmi jackit
>># urpmi jackit-capabilities
> That would be great if jack was in contribs.  But since it's in main, I
> don't think they want any suid scripts at all.  Not sure about that
> though.

D'Oh, forgot abot that ...

>>1)See if we can campaing Mandrakesoft to assist getting Danny's kernel
>>into contrib
>>2)build 2 versions of jackit in the srpm
>>3)Ignore the ardour author's wishes, but offer to handle bug reports
>>from Mandrake users (by directing them to bugzilla), and provide binaries.
> This I really like.

BTW, in 9.0 Sylvestre and I took a risk putting samba-2.2.6rc2 in (samba
team reckoned they would have 2.2.6 final out at least a week before
final freeze of 9.0), but it was not too much of an issue (there was
really only one visible bug in smbclient, and we had to do updates to
2.2.7 anyway ... plus more shortly I hope). One of the things that we
did to manage this was ensuring that *we* answered such bug reports on
the samba mailing list quickly, so that the authors were not tied up
answering questions stemming from us shipping 2.2.6pre2.

If you (or other Mandrake/cooker users) are willing to stick on
whichever list is applicable and field Mandrake questions, the ardour
author should be pleased to have more people using his software, as he
should get a wider audience for patches, and not have to pay for it by
answering questions from users using Mandrake packages. It would be a
win/win situation instead of an "everyone loses" situation IMHO.

(please note I am not volunteering to help with this ... I have mailing
list overload already!).

> The only real problem is having a suid script in
> main.  Maybe we can have jackit in main and jackit-capabilities in
> contribs?  I know it's messy though.

Just put it in a seperate package in contrib. Or would this not solve it?


- --
|--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------|
Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager
Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x121
Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za
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