On Sat, 2003-03-01 at 13:07, Austin Acton wrote:
> I'm freaking out here.
> I finally got around to trying ardour today.  It's AMAZING.
> Up yours Cakewalk!  :-)
> It's a bit crashy, but if you remember what NOT to do, it runs fine. 
> Sound is great.  Works great even without the multimedia kernel, but
> better with.  I'll report of comparisons later.
> Gotta go record a song I wrote a month ago, but I was wating for
> audacity to become usable.  So much for that.
> Moral of the story is, getting our
> ardour/jack-realtime/kernel-multimedia setup for 9.1 is going to be SO
> worth it!
I am having a bit of troubles getting all this multimedia software
working together and I don't really have much time to spend on it.
Is there any existing documentation? Could anyone who got everything
working spend some time to write a quick dirty step by step mini how-to?
That would be nice,

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