On Monday 03 March 2003 13:39, andre wrote:

> name one?
Loki's Kohan runs only in 1024x768, but I hate using my desktop in that 
resolution (low refresh, small fonts). Switching during session would be 
nice. And certainly easier compared to starting a new xserver.

Also, since many programmers do not believe 800x600 does make sense for some 
monitors, I can at least switch to a higher res as a work around.
Hopefully, changing on the fly will also make it easier for these programmers 
to actually test on lower resolutions.

Also this feature will hopefully induce some nice KDE/GNOME/whatever gui apps 
for setting the resolution/refresh you want by clicking on the desktop. 
Instead of searching through XFdrake.

Also, it makes sense for some apps which want to resize the view screen 
(movieplayers, some games) previously you could use SDL to do this more or 
less. Now perhaps I can look to a movie in my rootwin, which is scaled 
appropiate, and still can use my panel.

Probably could cook up some more. Point is: it is not neccesary, but it does 
make life easier.

anyway, I am happy with the commandline tool already. Just it seems that the 
KDE panel is not randr aware. Well...There are more important things for 
Laurent to fix (like konq insisting on hanging up your system for 10 secs 
when you browse into /mnt and use supermount).


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