> Ok, now i'm confused. i recently used (couple of hours ago) a cd to try and
> install 9.1 RC2 on a laptop. I didn't get all the way through because the
> laptop i "commandeered" wasn't mine and needed tobe used for other
> purposes. Regardless, on the laptop i did get to an installation screen and
> got as far as the Update/Install dialog. 

Well isn't this embarassing. Actually this was the 9.1 rc1 cd that i made earlier. the 
9.1 rc2 installation did in fact fail.

>Fast forward to a couple of
> minutes ago and i try the same thing on my computer. I get the same bloody
> error message. Now obviuosly the disk working on one computer (ibm laptop)
> and not working on another (custom built desktop) isn't a problem of faulty
> media. 

the media actually failed on both computers so by my own logic it must have been the 
disks that was faulty.

>this leads me to believe that the kernel is in fact at fault or
> maybe ACPI support in the kernel. I'm going to try this again with ACPI
> support disabled and then enabled in BIOS to see what happens. 

failed, failed and failed again. No matter what i change my acpi setting to yhe 
installations stops at tge same point.
>On a very
> distressing sidenote the botched installation seemed to have somehow messed
> up CMOS or wherever the bios memory is kept. After hitting the restart
> button (i was instructed at the console that i could do so) i decided to
> shut down instead. A couple minutes later i turned on the computer and i
> had to reset everything in bios. It looked just as it did after i put it
> together and turned it on for the first time. If i manage to get this to
> happen again (and i'll try my damndest) i'll file a bug report. 

Not reproduced yet.

>But for now
> i suggest reopening this one in case it was closed because of my previuos
> reply.

Scratch that. it was the media that did it. I'll be more careful reporting from memory 
next time
What hath Bob wrought?

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