On Thu, Mar 06, 2003 at 10:14:54PM +0100, Danny Tholen wrote:
> I perfectly understand that reading/answering a 1000 mails a day is not 
> something you generally like doing. Certainly not when you are already 
> stressed with trying to fix your packages bugs. Not everybody can handle 
> that. That's fine. But, I would like to propose. For the people that hate 
> reading all their mail/answering it. Appoint some volunteer from this list to 
> be the interface between the packager and the users. If someone sends a patch 
> to fix, lets say, ugly colors in frozen bubble, and sends a fix to this list. 
> I can than pick it up, and forward it to Guillaume. And he will perhaps reply 
> to me, saying: ok, or simply :no way. And I than can try to explain it again 
> to the reporter. It sounds a bit cumbersome I agree, but it is better than 
> waiting in vain to see your patch being lost.

I've tried many times to get changes put into place to *DECREASE* the
volume of this list.  We really ought to be using Bugzilla to get the
right comments to the right people and save everyone else from getting
them.  Mandrake staff seem to be content reading a 1000 emails a day or
at least hitting delete on 90% of them that don't relate to them...


"America does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy. She is
the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the
champion only of her own." -- John Quincy Adams, July 4th, 1821

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