On Thu 06 Mar 2003 15:25, allen posted as excerpted below:
> And, interestingly, any 127.0.0.x will work nicely for local loopback.
> I doubt it is supposed to be that way, but it is that way.
> Something to take special note of in IPTables rules, that.  Don't deny
> just from external interfaces.

The RFCs dedicate an entire /8 (formerly class A) to itl  From RFC 1812:


5.3.7 Martian Address Filtering []

A router SHOULD NOT forward, except over a loopback interface, any packet that 
has a source address on network 127.  []

A router SHOULD NOT forward, except over a loopback interface, any packet that 
has a destination address on network 127.  []


See also this thread (including a reply by Alan Cox, so it's on pretty good 
authority), which emphasizes setting the firewall right as well:


The above quote and link courtesy of Google..

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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