Oh man, days like that all of the time!...My son is ADHD, so he tends
to set things down, just about anywhere, so needless to say, on my bad
days, I usually knock over a cup of chocolate milk and put my hand in
last night's cereal before I realize that I should go somewhere and
sit down...lol...And my husband will be the first to tell me...I'm
just extremely damned glad when things do work out in the kitchen,
because a couple of years ago, I would have given up on it when it
didn't go well, and after meeting all of you, I can say that if you
keep trying, I can too...So, after those days mellow out, I'll catch
y'all back in the kitchen...(grin)

On 1/12/13, Debbra Piening <debbra.pien...@att.net> wrote:
> Oo, that's a scary one.  I'm blocking on mine at the moment, but I know
> I've
> had those, too.  Like you, I've learned I do better when I take my time and
> remember to check things.  When I rush around and try to do too many things
> at once, I make mistakes.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cookinginthedark-boun...@acbradio.org
> [mailto:cookinginthedark-boun...@acbradio.org] On Behalf Of Jeri Milton
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 11:47 PM
> To: cookinginthedark@acbradio.org
> Subject: Re: [CnD] Cooking Frustrations
> Hi Vicki. Oh man, now that's a rough day if I do say so myself!
> I too had a bit of a learning experience when my son was just three months
> old. I had made a large pot of Navy beans and ham in the crock pot. Well,
> when cleaning up the mess after dinner, I wiped the counter around the
> crock
> pot and got a little shocked when my hand with the damp rag touched the
> side
> of the cooker. I didn't think much  of it really. Well, a few minutes later
> when I went to take the inside part out of the cooker, I got a jolt of
> electricity that dropped me to my knees. I thought I was going to die and
> leave my family right there in my kitchen floor! My husband saw me drop and
> he came running. Turns out the cord to the crock pot was tucked down inside
> under the pot in between the heating element and the pot. It had been like
> that all day, just cooking away. So, from now on every time I use my slow
> cooker I triple check my cord to make sure it is fully stretched out of the
> inside. Woosh, I'll never forget that one. Maybe we should come up with a
> list for blind cooks and the horror stories. Or funny stories, depending on
> the story of course.
> Jeri
> -----Original Message-----
> From: cookinginthedark-boun...@acbradio.org
> [mailto:cookinginthedark-boun...@acbradio.org] On Behalf Of Vicki
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 8:39 PM
> To: cookinginthedark@acbradio.org
> Subject: Re: [CnD] Cooking Frustrations
> Geri and everybody,
> I think we all have them,  frustrations that is.  But you had three in a
> row
> so it will hopefully be smooth sailing for a while. (smile)
> Not to get us off on horror stories here, Once years ago, I had this glass
> casserole dish that I liked.  Can't remember the brand. I made a casserole
> and put it in the oven to bake.  When it was done I took it out with pot
> holders.  The dish however and at some previous point unbeknowns to me,
> developed a hair line cracke.  I couldn't feel it.  But when I took the
> casserole out of the oven the bottom fell out of the dish.  In cleaning it
> up, I managed to burn myself on the oven, not severely.  But then in my
> haste, I slipped and fell in the spilled casserole.  So there you go.  With
> sight that episode would have been handled more easily.  That's my long ago
> story of the day, and I'm sticking to it.  To this day I always inspect my
> cookware, especially glass baking dishes.  I was no worse for the ware, and
> a bit wiser for the experience.
> Vicki
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeri Milton" <jjmil...@cox.net>
> To: <cookinginthedark@acbradio.org>
> Sent: Friday, January 11, 2013 3:57 PM
> Subject: [CnD] Cooking Frustrations
>> Ok, so I'm having kitchen frustrations. I love to cook, but sometimes
>> doing
>> it without vision can be aggravating. Do any of you get aggravated in the
>> kitchen? I put a beef stew on to cook all day in the slow cooker. It's a
>> cold day here in Phoenix and a great day to smell beef stew all day long.
>> Anyway, I was chopping vegetables and meat and washing my hands
>> repeatedly.
>> Ran out of paper towels so grabbed a dish towel from the drawer. Went to
>> lay
>> down my knife and knocked the dish towel into the dirty sink water. It
>> was
>> my only towel! Went to set a pan of brownies on the table because they
>> were
>> in my way on my small counter top and knocked over my daughters glass of
>> apple juice. Had sticky apple juice all over the place mats on the table
>> and
>> under paper work, that of course shouldn't have been on the kitchen table
>> anyway.
>> Anyway, I'm frustrated! I'm not the type to woh is me, but.ug!
>> Jeri
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