I've had my Keurig for a couple years and never had a problem with it.
 A co-worker has had hers since they first started making these
machines, and she uses hers daily; no problems.  Yes, this machine is
worth it.  As my hands deteriorate, and lifting heavy caraffes becomes
more difficult, the Keurig is worth every penny.  Like Shirley, if
mine goes out, I'll buy another one.  Each of us has his/her own
reason for purchasing things.  For me, the Keurig means I don't have
to lift a heavy coffeepot.  For Shirley, the Keurig means she doesn't
have to fuss with measuring and cleaning up the coffee grounds, and so
on.  Such things are not important to others, but they are to us, and
I say thank you to the ones who came up with the design for this
fantastic machine!  <Smile>.


On 2/9/14, Charles Rivard <wee1s...@fidnet.com> wrote:
> If it is true that they don't last all that long, at that high price, are
> they worth it?
> I bought a popcorn popper about 20 years ago that gave up the ghost roughly
> a month ago.  Not bad for $25.  I bought a replacement this month from
> www.amazon.com
> for not much more than the cost of the original, which I found surprising.
> As for any merchandise, the excuse that "things aren't made like they once
> were" is not a valid excuse for charging very high prices.  Fact is, they
> should cost less due to that fact.  Make them cheap, sell them cheap but
> sell a ton of them and make more money.  Or make them cheap, sell them high
> to make people think they're well made with quality, and sell 1 or two to a
> customer who then tells others of their experience, and then don't sell all
> that many in the future.  Eventually go out of business due to a lack of
> sales based on word of previous customer mouths.
> ---
> Be positive!  When it comes to being defeated, if you think you're finished,
> you! really! are! finished!
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "shirley baker" <shirleyba...@comcast.net>
> To: <cookinginthedark@acbradio.org>
> Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2014 4:52 PM
> Subject: [CnD] About Coffee Makers
>> I've heard people say their machine doesn't last a long time but they're
>> not meant to last forever.  You all know things aren't necessarily made as
>> good as they used to be but I'd still buy another one anytime.  I hate
>> measuring out coffee, hate to have to clean up afterwards.  I really love
>> the convenience of these machines.  You can buy the very small ones at
>> around $99 and if you like to watch QVC, they run specials on them.  I got
>> my second machine free because I'd hat it less than a year but something
>> happened to the K-cup holder so I got it free.
>> Shirley
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