One thing nice about this recipe is you don't have to be exact.  I went on
U tube and listened to several recipes and mixed and matched and came up
with what I did  tonight.

3 to 4 cups  cooked macaroni
1 can of chetter Chese soup.
1 8 oz container of sour cream.
1 package of Chetter Chese.
I had a block  of  velveeta Chese
Which I put part of that in.
1 soup can of milk.

in a small bowl I mixed the soup with the can of milk.  Next, I put the
cooked Macaroni in the cooker. but before putting the macaroni in the
cooker I sprayed some nonstick spray in the bottom of it.  then I added the
rest of the engredience. and stered it up.  Then put the cooker on low and
cook about 2 hours.
again, The nice thing about this recipe is you can add different cheeses or
more or less macaroni or what ever taists good to you.  What I have found
by reading several of these recipes is there is many different ways to make
Mac and Chese and everyone will tell you their's is the best(big Smile).
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