CP Old Fashion Stuffed Peppers


Happy Tuesday, Slow Cookerers!

I hope your week has started off nicely.

It is pouring buckets right now, and according to the weather app on my
phone (which honestly isn't all that accurate and is kind of annoying) it's
never ever ever ever ever going to stop.

I see a lot of board games in my future!

Alright -- let's talk dinner.

Stuffed Peppers are a great way to stretch a pound of ground meat and have a
light healthy meal that looks just as amazing as it tastes.

This is a pretty customizable recipe. I probably use different measurements
each time I make stuffed peppers --

I honestly don't really measure anymore.

You are essentially making tiny little meatloaves to stuff inside.


Old Fashioned Stuffed Peppers

6 peppers fit into a 6-quart slow cooker

6 peppers, seeded with tops retained

1 pound lean ground beef or turkey

1 cup already-cooked rice 

1 can flavored tomatoes (I used fire roasted, Italian would work. If you
don't have flavored, add 1/2 teaspoon Italian seasoning)

1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce

2 tablespoons ketchup

1 teaspoon black pepper

1/3 cup water


The Directions.

in a bowl, mix the ground beef and rice with all the stuff (except for the
water and the peppers) 

wash and clean out the peppers. Save the tops.


Poke a hole in the bottom of the peppers with a sharp knife or skewer --
this will allow any grease that might accumulate to escape.


Stuff each pepper with a good amount of the ground beef and rice mixture

Nestle the peppers into your crock and put the little pepper tops back on.

Pour in 1/3 cup of water around the bases of the peppers

cook on low for 6-8 hours. I cooked these for exactly 8.


The Verdict.

The peppers had an amazing roasted flavor, and the meat was cooked nicely
without a hint of grease--which was a fear I had.


Happy Slow Cooking!!




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- - Winnie the Pooh


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"How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard."

- - Winnie the Pooh


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