Hi Paul,

I could not find  NCS copy chain function under my coot 0.4.1. I was trying
to update my coot using fink, but failed. So I did it in a maybe unusual
1, I use SSM superinpose my A chain to B, C, D, accoring to the rotation and
translation matrix I got from coot , I run pdbset to creat chain B,C,D from
rebuilt-A chain one by one
2, then I open chain A and converted chain B,C,D in coot again and merged
It is a bit labourious.....



On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 4:15 PM, Paul Emsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Dear Qing Chen,
> Woops, sorry - the documentation is out of date - I'll fix it shortly. The
> copy chain makes exact copies of the master chain (with the NCS
> transformation applied obviously).
> Which means of course, mutations, deletions, insertions will be applied
> too.
> I have added a NCS copy chain function to Extensions as of revision 1327.
>  That should help.
> Paul.
> Qing Chen wrote:
>> Hello Paul,
>> Yes, I did some model building using Coot only of chain A. I checked the
>> link, it is saying: Note that you can currently only apply NCS edits to
>> residues that exist in the "other" chains. If for example, you had
>> introduced/added residues 1 to 5 in the "A" chain and wanted to copies those
>> over to the other molecules, then that would not work (88) <
>> http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/%7Eemsley/coot/doc/chapters/user-manual_fot.html#FOOT88
>> >.
>> Since I did renumbering, adding ,deleting residues to chain A, so seems it
>> wouldnot work by apply NCS. Now I would like to run refmac5, so I need a
>> complete model, right?
>> I am a rather beginner, is there any better ways to rebuild in my case(4
>> molecules in one assymetry unit).
>> thanks
>> On Sun, Aug 10, 2008 at 9:36 PM, Paul Emsley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:
>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>    jenny flower wrote:
>>        Hello,
>>        I have 4 chains in my pdb, I SSM chain B,C,D to chain A. If I
>>        refined chain A, can regenerate a pdb with whole 4 chains from
>>        refined chain A, by applying SSM matrix? I see Xterm window show
>>        SSM matrix when I do SSM, but somewhere a log file contain this
>>        matrix information also?
>>    Dear Qing/Jenny Flower,
>>    When you say "I refined chain A", I am presuming that you mean that
>>    you have done some model building using Coot.  You then want to
>>    apply the edits that you have made each of the chains in your model
>>    (applying the NCS transformations as necessary):
>>    You should read the user manual, section 5.27 Applying NCS Edits:
>> http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/~emsley/coot/doc/chapters/user-manual_5.html#SEC134<http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/%7Eemsley/coot/doc/chapters/user-manual_5.html#SEC134>
>>    <
>> http://www.ysbl.york.ac.uk/%7Eemsley/coot/doc/chapters/user-manual_5.html#SEC134
>> >
>>    In your case it seems that you want this function:
>>    (copy-from-ncs-master-to-others imol master-chain-id)
>>    HTH,
>>    Paul.

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