I totally agree that having two tool bars which are close to being identical
creates confusion.

My preference would be that the two widgets be merged into one, even if
shorter, tool bar (please)? The idea of having a pop-out menu was inspired,
but if one or two buttons have to go, so be it. The ones thrown out could
(maybe) go into the "Other modelling tools" menu.

Just my two Eurocents.

Thanks again for the coo(l/t) software.


2008/10/22 Donnie Berkholz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On 11:46 Wed 22 Oct     , Kevin Cowtan wrote:
> > Are you looking in the model/fit/refine window, or in the toolbar? The
> > toolbar does not contain everything that is in the window, due to space.
> As you no doubt know, it creates a lot of confusion and is generally
> poor usability to have two things that appear almost identical but
> aren't. Is there some way to make it more obvious (visually, etc) that
> the toolbar is different from the M/F/R window?
> --
> Thanks,
> Donnie
> Donnie Berkholz
> Developer, Gentoo Linux
> Blog: http://dberkholz.wordpress.com

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