Hello All,
I just wanted to follow up the "Dashed Lines" thread
I upgraded to Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) and I reinstalled the fglrx video card driver (xorg-driver-fglrx). I don't know what exactly did the trick but I no longer have the "dashed lines" problem. Oh and I am currently using coot-Linux-i686-ubuntu-8.04.1-gtk1 from binary.
Victory is mine!

Paul Emsley wrote:
Petra Lukacik wrote:
Hello everyone,

Hello Petra,

We have had reports of something very similar in the past. I think it is more than likely a bug in the graphics driver - the stipple pattern for lines is not properly turned off when it should be (and as you say, that has nothing to do with Coot). You may not have seen this in other graphics applications because (I imagine) other programs are more sophisticated in the way they represent graphical objects (i.e. not with primitive GL_LINES like Coot does) - they use more widely tested solid surfaces.

I don't know what you can do, other than badger your graphics card driver provider (I'd be willing to work with them to address this, for the record).

Maybe intrepid would be better? - just guessing of course.


p.s. I am jealous of your big screen :) My best computer has a 19in screen and will collapse in a big heap if you try to use both processors.

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