Dear all

I installed Coot with Python and GTK2 in Ubuntu Intrepid 8.10.

Ubuntu 8.10 has Python 2.5.

Since 'ccp4-others.setup' file points to Coot's directory when I check
'which python' I get version 2.6 (the one Coot provides).

Trying to install HPLIP (HP Linux version of drivers and software for
managing HP printers and scanners) I got an error, which I found later was
due to Python incompatibilities. Temporarily removing Coot from PATH allowed
me to install HPLIP with no problems. I re-enabled it again and no problems.

Now my question (newbie in Linux, I am):

Is there a way to isolate Coot's python from Ubuntu system but still
maintaining the ability to call Coot from the terminal? So that Ubuntu's
Python version would be the active one for all the system (except for Coot)?

Thank you in advance

Victor Alves

PS: Hope my non-native English is not too confusing.

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