Hi Jennifer,

Doebbler wrote:

I am running Coot 0.5.2 on an intel Mac 10.5.6. I am trying to visualize the symmetry related molecules for a small inorganic molecule in spacegroup P 21/C. If I load the file into swiss PDB viewer or Mercury, the symmetry operators show that I have 4 molecules in my unit cell and a pretty orderly looking packing scheme. Coot, however, does not seem to like the P 21/C spacegroup. I changed the CRYST1 line to read

CRYST1   25.000    6.082   11.308  90.00 100.04  90.00 P 1 21/c 1

Indeed. That is what I would have done. The space group symbol in the PDB file should match the xHM symbol in syminfo.lib

If I go to Draw->cell and symmetry-> master switch: show symmetry related atoms-> yes

I get a very cramped unit cell with many more than just 4 molecules within.

Well that is a surprise. You should definitely only see 4. "Cramped" as in crowded I presume you mean. I imagine that Coot at least got the cell correct.

(I presume (because of your scripting competence) that it wasn't something trivial like inadvertently displaying the symmetry for other molecules also)

I tried to ask coot what it thinks my spacegroup and symmetry operators were to reconcile this result with those of mercury and swiss viewer.

It recognizes the spacegroup as P 1 21/c 1.

coot> (show-spacegroup 0)
"P 1 21/c 1"

As it should be.

If I then ask coot to show-symmetry I get the following

coot> (show-symmetry 0)

In current input:
  8: 0* (show-symmetry 0)

<unnamed port>:8:1: In expression (show-symmetry 0):
<unnamed port>:8:1: Unbound variable: show-symmetry
ABORT: (unbound-variable)

:-( There is no command to output the symmetry operators. I'll make a note to add one.

I'm stumped - I don't know what is going on. If you have a shelx .ins file for this molecule, I'd be curious to know if it was displayed correctly.


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