For the record/archive I'd like to conclude this thread.

It recognizes the spacegroup as P 1 21/c 1.

Is seems that Coot indeed does display symmetry correctly for this spacegroup, but not in the way that other programs (e.g. Mercury or Swiss PDB Viewer) do.

coot> (show-spacegroup 0)
"P 1 21/c 1"

If I then ask coot to show-symmetry I get the following

coot> (show-symmetry 0)

In current input:
  8: 0* (show-symmetry 0)

<unnamed port>:8:1: In expression (show-symmetry 0):
<unnamed port>:8:1: Unbound variable: show-symmetry
ABORT: (unbound-variable)

You followed the instructions in the manual. I am sorry to say that there is a error there, it should have (and now does) read:

(get-symmetry imol)



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