On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 06:03:22PM +0100, Paul Emsley wrote:
> On 23/06/10 13:26, Schubert, Carsten [PRDUS] wrote:
> >Is there any way to get rid of these references in the pre-compiled
> >binaries?
> Not that I know of  (other than by editing).

You can use chrpath (if it's the rpath that is causing the problem).

$ chrpath -l /programs/i386-linux/coot/0.6.2-pre-1-r2969/bin/coot-real 



| Ben Eisenbraun                              | Software Sysadmin      |
| Structural Biology Grid                     | http://sbgrid.org      |
| Harvard Medical School                      | http://hms.harvard.edu |

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