On 06/23/10 13:47, Ben Eisenbraun wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 06:03:22PM +0100, Paul Emsley wrote:
>> On 23/06/10 13:26, Schubert, Carsten [PRDUS] wrote:
>>> Is there any way to get rid of these references in the pre-compiled
>>> binaries?
>> Not that I know of  (other than by editing).
> You can use chrpath (if it's the rpath that is causing the problem).
> $ chrpath -l /programs/i386-linux/coot/0.6.2-pre-1-r2969/bin/coot-real 
> /programs/i386-linux/coot/0.6.2-pre-1-r2969/bin/coot-real: 
> RPATH=/lmb/wear/emsley/autobuild/Linux-cycle-pre-release-gtk2-python/lib
> http://directory.fsf.org/project/chrpath/

Even though not necessary in this case, I've found PatchELF
(http://nixos.org/patchelf.html) to be a useful alternative to chrpath
on Linux.  PatchELF allows you to grow the paths as well, and it is (as
far as I know) still supported.

// Cheers; Johan

             Postdoctoral Researcher @ Otwinowski Lab
 UT Southwestern Medical Center * 5323 Harry Hines Blvd. * Dallas
    TX 75390-8816 * +1-(214)-645-6378 * http://bones.swmed.edu

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