On 15/09/11 17:47, Engin Özkan wrote:
Dear coot users and developers,

We are using coot 0.7-pre-1 (rev 3633) in the lab on linux and Mac
machines, and have observed something odd that we did not see before.
Most (all?) pdb files when opened give a (harmless) warning that says
"Molecule x has nomenclature errors. Correct them?" The residues
mentioned are Phe's, Tyr's, and Asp's. I don't think there was an update
to these residues in the latest dictionary. Before I go into more
detail, is anybody else seeing this, and should we just install a newer

I should note that these models have been refined by Phenix versions 1.6
and 1.7, and molprobity thinks they are perfectly fine. There are no
DNA/RNA bases, and odd ligands, except sugars in them.

I was away for the day.

Back now.

I realise that this can be somewhat of a surprise. The problem was that when setting torsion angles for rotamers (and referenced the "labeled" atoms that Dale mentioned) we need to make a choice of atom - when there are nomenclature errors this can leads to completely incorrect side chain-positions. The options were

1) silently incorrectly set some torsion angles [a]
2) use a dictionary that enforced chiral centres for LEUs and VALs (unlike the standard Refmac dictionary) [b]
3) silently "correct" the nomenclature errors [c]
4) warn the user of nomenclature errors - and provide an easy means of reseting them.

[a] this is the way that it used to work - and was though inappropriate by several experienced users [b] this was an attempted solution and seriously disapproved of by my CCP4 colleagues [c] I didn't like this - Coot shouldn't secretly and surprisingly move your atoms. And as Clemens says, it is not always correct to reset the nomenclature "errors".

I believe (hope?) that I chose the least worse option.


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