Dear Paul,

You taught me how to mutate a residue to a non-standard one.

> [Centre on the VAL to be replaced]
> Extensions -> Modelling -> Replace Residue -> MVA

It failed when I specify my custom monomer.

To obtain a monomer, Coot seems to use "get-monomer", 
and it was extracted from the default library file, 
even if I supplied a custom cif file for the monomer.

How do I mutate a residue to my custom monomer in Coot?


Takaaki Fukami

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Emsley [] 
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 9:16 PM
To: 深海隆明(探索研究部蛋白構造解析G)
Subject: Re: How to connect N-methylated amino acid?

On 13/01/12 12:00, Takaaki Fukami wrote:
> Dear Coot experts,
> I'm working on a peptide with an N-methyled amino acid in the middle.
> How can I connect this residue to previous/next residues?
> To simplify the problem, first I changed the residue to MVA 
> (N-methyled-L-VAL), 
> because its library file (MVA.cif) exists in $CCP4/lib/data/monomers/,
> in which it is defined as M-peptide as below.
> data_comp_list
> loop_
> _chem_comp.three_letter_code
> _chem_comp.number_atoms_all
> _chem_comp.number_atoms_nh
> _chem_comp.desc_level
> MVA      MVA 'N-METHYLVALINE                      ' M-peptide          21   9 
> .
> #
> I prepared coordinates of the residue and make Coot read the MVA.cif file,
> then "refine zone" around the residue MVA, but MVA won't connect to 
> neither previous/next residues.
> Doesn't coot recognize the M-peptide as with L/D-peptide?
> How can I define the connectivity between a special residue and 
> standard amino acids?

I have never before heard of an M-peptide - I need to update Coot to
handle such things properly.

This is what I would do in the meantime, starting from scratch:

File -> Search Monomer Library
[I search list to fine the methyl-valine - MVA as you say]
Click "MVA" button
[Centre on the VAL to be replaced]
Extensions -> Modelling -> Replace Residue -> MVA
Edit -> Restraints -> "MVA" -> OK
Change the Group to "L-peptide"
[Triple Refine]


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