...and why not simply use the binary RHEL 5 version? At least the CentOS 5 binary distribution works fine on CentOS 6.

Why making one's life harder than needed?



Bernhard Rupp (Hofkristallrat a.D.) wrote:
Fellow Cooties,

If it wasn't such a  waste of time this would actually be funny:

This installation on clean RHEL 6 turns out very much like the Book of

where Adam begets Seth  who begets Enosh who begets Kenan who begets
Mahalalel who
begets Jared who eventually after a lot of fucking around begets Emsley who
begets Coot:

Coot_configure then begets Swig which begets Pcre which begets Glib which
begets Zlib which begets Libffi
which begets Gettext

and after that bloodline is established by serious effing on my side, a
little infidelity from  Coot_configure then
establishes a degenerate sideline by begetting mmdb, upon which in 2012 per
Mayan calendar the Genesis
apocalyptically ends in:

checking if this is MINGW on Windows... no
checking for MMDB... no
Error locating necessary mmdb

Ok we download and install

checking for SSMLib... nouuuu!
checking for Clipper... nouuuu!
Error locating Clipper - a CNS-enabled version of Clipper (2.1-090520-ac or
later) is required now

....maybe - just maybe - my own CNS which is already shutting down envisions
that a  functioning ccp4 installation should already be present?

The major difference between my installing efforts  and the Book actually is
that per Genesis creation of the World took only 7 days...

Best regards, BR

PS: No more  - zero please - bitching about Windows. Thank you.</flame>
Bernhard Rupp
001 (925) 209-7429
+43 (676) 571-0536
No animals were hurt or killed during the
production of this email.

Frank Thommen - Structures IT Management and Support - EMBL Heidelberg
structures...@embl-heidelberg.de - +49 6221 387 8353

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