On 07/08/2013 03:25 PM, PICCA Frédéric-Emmanuel wrote:
is it the official location for the source packages ?

So where can I find the 0.7.1 official source package ?


It has not been announced yet - I am still organising directories and server files.

GLWT.  This interface is via Clipper.

That is mmdb.  libmmdb is a dependency of libcoot-mini-mol.
I found a few missing LIBADD when compiling from the svn
Also when I try the make check, there is plenty of other LIBADD missing,
and wrong include path with the current reorganisation.

sounds intriguing.

where can I send patch for this ?

To me please.

Ususally I attached them in the google code issue tracker ?

Yeah... and I've been ignoring them :-( You can put them there - or we can sort it out between us (use this address) - which I will respond to more rapidly.


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