Hi all,
When I build a custom ligand using the coot Ligand Builder (0.7.1-pre
(revision 4650)  [with guile 1.8.8 embedded] [with python 2.7.3 embedded]).

Coot then runs cprodrg and generates restraints which I can use inside of
coot to do all my refinements and even run refmac from within coot.

When I however write out those restraints from coot using --Edit-
Restraints - Pick DRG - save as mmcif  and use the generated cif  with
refmac (CCP4 6.3: Refmac_5.7.0032) I get an error in the refmac log( see

Is there some conversion I need to do to the coot saved mmcif file to be
able to use it inside refmac.



refmac log excerpt
"  I am reading library. Please wait.
 No match for atom ID CAD" subtracting one character
 No match for atom ID CAD subtracting one character
  ERR: item _chem_comp_atom.comp_id :-0.022   not found in the monomer list
  BLOCK :data_comp_DRG
 IERR =            1

There is an error. See above"

The mmcif file looks like this

 DRG DRG "DRG              " non-polymer 38 20 "."


 DRG CLAI   CL CL   -0.039000001
 DRG " CAD" C  CR6  -0.022
 DRG " CAC" C  CR6  0.152
 DRG " OAG" O  O    -0.43200001
 DRG " NAB" N  NR6  0.011

The atom names are what are in the PDB fie

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