You can switch on symmetry related molecule ghots on via Draw-> Cell & Symmetry. Find the correct one and then choose File -> Save Symmetry Coordinates and left-click on desired molecule. I think, it will introduce you whole dimer, but to remove a chain is easy.
Hope it helps,

On 10/23/2013 07:31 PM, Nat Echols wrote:
Just to add to Hari's question: I tried to show a user how to do the same thing last week, and found it much too complicated. I'd love to see a function that lets me swap chains with their symmetry mates - this situation comes up all the time and I've also had to resort to PyMOL in the past. Ideally there would be a menu item that would direct me to select a chain, then pop up a dialog box showing a list of symmetry operators, similar to the rotamer selection dialog.


On Wed, Oct 23, 2013 at 8:48 AM, hari jayaram < <>> wrote:

    I have a question about the expanded syminfo labels in coot and
    the menu item : Extensions-Modelling-New Molecule from symop.

    I have a dimer in the assymetric unit in which the two molecules
    that phaser picked as the solution do not share any contact area .
    I want to put chain A together with a  symmetry generated B molecule.
    In my case the molecule that "should" represent B with a maximal
    interface with A  has the expanded symmetry label in coot

    -X , Y + 1/2, -Z + (1 -1 1) & (1 0 0 )

    I however cannot use this label in "get new molecule from symop"
     to give me the sym-mate with the maximum contact area because the
    translation is off. I am a little bad at visualizing the matrix
    operations to edit the matrix to get the right sym-mate.

    In the past I have done this in pymol where I use the
    "Action-generate- symmetry around a radius-100" and then gone
    hunting through the sym-mates pymol generates till I get the right

    My question is :
    Is there a way to accomplish this within coot..or am I not using
    the symop label properly.

    I also know the online PISA ebi web interface writes out the
    correct "B" molecule which maximizes the A-B interface. I could
    not get the ccp4 provided PISA to output the same --at least using
    the default ccp4i settings for PISA.


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