On 25/11/13 03:46, Oliver Clarke wrote:
Hi all,

I get the GUI error “something went wrong running cprodrg” when I try to view a 
ligand in LIDIA - I’m guessing some incompatibility between coot and the 
version of cprodrg distributed with CCP4 6.4.0? I am running the latest coot 
nightly build (0.8-pre r4833) on Mac OS X 10.9, using CCP4 with all current 
updates installed. The console output is reproduced below. Thanks in advance 
for any help/advice!


(info-dialog "Something went wrong running cprodrg

(write-pdb-file 8 "coot-ccp4/prodrg-tmp-68067-xyzin.pdb")
forrtl: severe (180): SIGBUS, bus error occurred
Image              PC                Routine            Line        Source
cprodrg            00000001000013FC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cprodrg            00000001000011AC  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown
cprodrg            0000000100001164  Unknown               Unknown  Unknown

Hi Oliver,

To which nightly build do you refer?

This looks like cprodrg is crashing. And that, I believe, is a problem for CCP4. You can verify this by running cprodrg on the command line.

IIRC, coot writes out the command line with which it tries to run cprodrg. At a guess, it would be

$ cprodrg XYZIN prodrg-in.mdl XYZOUT prodrg-DRG.pdb LIBOUT prodrg-out.cif << !


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